Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

“Green pavement,” a relatively new concept in green building, is a permeable and porous pavement that absorbs rainwater instead of repelling it. It combines the load-carrying capacity we expect of paved areas with the water-infiltration qualities of natural ground cover.
Here’s a look at how this environmentally friendly setup works.

There are three types of permeable pavements:
1. Plastic pavers: A plastic honeycomb grid in which grass or other vegetation can grow
2. Concrete pavers: Concrete blocks withspaces in betweenthem for better drainage.
3. Asphalt/concrete: Fine particles are left out of it to make it more porous.

Common uses forpermeable pavement:
- Driveways
- Emergency access lanes
- Public parks
- Alleys
- Parking lots
- Bike or walking paths.

source: http://www.mytorontohomeimprovement.com/permeable-pavements.htm

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